• Amirdic HICO Forensics Pathology

    Supply, Sales and Services Mortuary Refrigerator , Workstation, Autopsy Table and Morgue Transportation Trolley

  • Autopsy Table

    HICO Autopsy Table is constructed from high quality type 304 stainless steel. The table top is constructed with 2mm thick stainless steel. The table top and sink have large inside radius corner to make it easier for cleaning

  • Mortuary Refrigerators

    HICO Mortuary Storage System offer 2 type of freezer with wide variety of models. A Telescopic Type System and Conveyor Type System

  • Morgue Transportation Trolleys

    HICO Trolleys provide an efficient, single body transport within the morgue. It also means that the entire transferring process can be handled by a single person. Lifting mechanism is provided to ensure a smooth transfer of cadavers to the various warded and working stations such as the Refrigerator, Autopsy Table, Body Cleaning Table and Kapan Table.

  • Workstation

    HICO Work Station provides a comfortable and spacious work area for optimum efficiency